Turismo Histórico Carioquês
Because History is Gossip
Presenting the Tours
Streets of Rio
Click here to learn more about this tour
The Newborn Republic Tour
Click here to learn more about this tour
Sacred History tour (Downtown area Edition)
Click here to learn more about this tour

The Founding Neighbourhood Tour
Visit our Youtube Channel
And get even juicier historic gossip! ;)
About the Tours
The tours offered here are, as the very name of the company suggests, HISTORIC.
But hold on to thy hats, this does not mean in any way that they're meant only for people who like history, or only for historians, scholars and the like. FAR FROM IT! In fact, it's exactly the opposite.
As the company moto says, history is nothing more than officialized gossip. YES, THAT'S RIGHT! Which means that it is accessible for the appreciation of all of ye. And furthermore, if by any chance you are one of those people who never liked history, come take part in one of the tours. We'll gossip a lot together and you'll very likely end up ENJOYING and even, dare I say it, HAVING FUN with history. Because here that's how history is told, AS IF I WERE TELLING VERY JUICY GOSSIP.

About me
My name is Amanda Andermann, and ever since I was first introduced to history though my grandpa's stories about the great war, IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Ever since then, I've been in love with history and everything related to it.
But sometimes, a good hard slap in the face is needed to make you see the obvious. In my case, that being a tour guide, where I would get to tell people about history without being a history teacher, was what I should be doing for a living. And what hit me was having graduated Law School, taken the Bar Exam 5 times and not passed. It was only then that I had the idea to take the tour guide course and it was when I started guiding tours that I finally found myself professionally.
That was in 2013, ever since then, I threw myself wholeheartedly into being a tour guide. However...and yes, here comes the other slap in the face which I needed in order to understand that I should start my own business: THE 2020 PANDEMIC.
From such a crisis, after being forbidden to work as a tour guide because of the health protocols established back then, first came the idea of doing something to occupy myself so that my knowledge of languages and history wouldn't get rusty, which led to the creating of the YouTube channel Turismo Histórico Carioquês (historic carioca turism), and later, the idea of creating the company of the same name.
And all this with the main purpose of presenting history and historic tours as something simple, fun and pleasurable for all kinds of different people. Showing that yes, speaking about history is just as simple as gossiping and that historic tours are something anyone can appreciate.