The Founding Neighbourhood Tour


Urca is perhaps one of the best known neighbourhoods in Rio, afterall one of the most popular sites (the Sugar Loaf) is in this Neighbourhood. But of course that isn't the only thing to see in Urca, quite the opposite, IT'S A NEIGHBOURHOOD PACKED WITH HISTORY. And it is precisely what we're gonna show you on this very tour!

Did you know that the city of Rio was founded here?

Did you know that the hundreth anniversary of Brazil's independence was celebrated here?


Then come with me in this walking tout and I'll tell you these and other historic gossips about this neighbourhood which is synonimous with the wonderful city itself!

Starting point: 

Entrance of the Urca Fort (Sitio Histórico da Fortaleza de São João)

In parenthesis is the name of the fort in Portuguese so it will be easier to look up on google maps in order to see its location.

Recomended Starting time (the main reason being the heat which is far less in the early morning. However, if you don't mind that you can choose another time which suits you better):



Contact me on whatsapp so we can arrange a date which equally suits you better. 

How long does it take:

Between 3 to 4 hours depending on the pace of the group. But hold on to thy hats, this time frame is only because, it being a tour and not a race, we walk rather slowly in order for you to better appreciate the attractions. And also naturally there will be bathroom breaks during the tour which are inclueded in this time frame.

Sites visited (listed with their names in Portuguese so it will make it easier to look them up on google maps if you want to do so in order to see their location):

Cassino da Urca

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Brasil

Quadrado da Urca

Monumento aos Heróis de Laguna e Dourados

Círculo Militar da Praia Vermelha

Museu de Ciências da Terra

Instituto Benjamin Constant

Universidade do Brasil 

How much  and how to pay:

70 reais per person, children younger than 12 pay half price.

Payment Options:

1- Deposit half the amount mentioned above when purchasing and pay the rest in cash on the day of the tour itself (right before the tour starts)

2- Deposit the full amount when purchasing and pay 5% off, making the price per person 66,50


How about starting the Tour right now?

Watch the videos below and get even juicier gossip about this tour! 

Here are the places we'll visit on this  tour

Any other questions?